Kia ora All Saints Family.
Guy here this week. There has been so much happenign in the church's life over the last week or so. Let me catch you up to speed; there is a group of 30+ people learning Te Reo Maori together each Wednesday; they are currently halfway through an 8-week beginner course. Last Sunday was Go Sunday up Mt Victoria tree planting, which was a magic day; the weather was excellent, the trees were ready to be planted, a massive amount of weed and trash was removed, and some significant exposure and connection happened amongst the community and people who we have invited to join us. If you want to read more about Go Sunday, click here to read all about it, plus pictures. Of course, we continue to gather as a parish at our central gatherings each fortnight to celebrate, pray, and gather around God's Holy Table. Using the other fortnights to gather in a more intimate setting in our House Churches to chew through the word of God together, pray, challenge, and spur each other along as we look to draw closer to God and out to our friends and family around us. We are passionate about what God is doing here at All Saints. Something that I feel God is welling up in us is a real call and identification of who we are as God's chosen people! And how we respond to that call with our whole lives. I was struck this week by one of the lectionary readings, which drew my attention to James 2:14-26 - Faith and Deeds; there are so many things one could highlight from this passage, but what stood out to me was the call of faith without deeds is dead. This, I think, shone through our gospel series that it's one thing for us to experience renewal in our hearts, and that is powerful, but it cannot stop there; that renewal must spur us on to lay our lives down for the kingdom (in many ways shapes and forms) so that others can be renewed in the same way through the Gospel of Grace. We cannot read and study the bible without putting into action the call of Jesus upon our lives; faith and deeds go hand in hand! My wondering went to how we as a community continue to call each other to be accountable for how we live our lives together for the kingdom. It takes a bit of grit, trust, vulnerability, and truth to continue walking that road together. How do we put our faith into action for the sake of others? There are so many ways we can do that, and I was thinking at this point in history, we need to try a bunch of different things to see what works and where God is calling us. Let's be people who are passionate to act, and learn from the "failings," and celebrate the wins! I would love to highlight several ways people put their faith into action in our parish; maybe you will find inspiration or encouragement from them.
Pray for these missional communities! Join the team with them. Gather a team and start something new! God is calling us first to submit and lay our lives down to him, and out of that reverence and obedience, lay our lives down for others! In light of Go Sunday, we are looking for feedback on how you engaged and experienced Go Sunday; We would like this feedback from people who did and didn't go! There is also one dinner for two voucher at Bambuchisun to win for filling in the feedback form. Click here to give feedback and go in the draw to win. This week is 9 am and House Churches; make sure you contact your House Church leader for all the information you might need. Ngā mihi Guy Comments are closed.
Past News
February 2025
contact90 Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand
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