Kia ora All Saints Whānau
Guy here this week. I just want to express how thankful and inspired I am after last weekend's combined gathering. I have spent the good part of the week unpacking so much from our time together: the baptisms, Peter's message, all our kids and what they bring, the smashing of cultures, gathering around God's Holy table together, and, of course, sharing food with one another. What is really sticking with me is how Peters's message around the Body of Christ was spoken at such a poignant moment in our parish life as we really lean into what it means to be an Authentic Community. Peter spoke from the scripture 1 Corinthians 12, referring to the unity and Body of Christ. he teased apart for us how belonging to the body is a critical part of who we are in Christ. We cannot live alone, separate from the body, just as body parts cannot live separate from our bodies but in unity. This is a powerful moment for me as we start our series on Authentic Community and how we live that out as Christians in our patch of the Kingdom. You can watch or re-watch Peters's sermon on YouTube here. We are excited about what is coming down the line here at All Saints. This Saturday, our new Assistant Bishop, Ana Fletcher, will be installed. Please check the Dioceses website notices for all the details regarding this event. We are in the season of Eastertide, which will run us through to Ascension and Pentecost, we will also, during this time, engage with Thy Kingdom Come, where we spend 10 days praying for 5 of our friends and family who don't know Christ. We will also finish these 10 days with a 48 hour Prayer vigil at All Saints. More information will be released shortly. Similar to last year, this will be a time of prayer slots with guided prayer options as we seek God for our world, community, and people. This year, we are having a Parish Weekend away (Parish Camp). There is now more information and a signup form for that. We would love for this to be accessible to all of our parish. We have arranged this for all ages and mobility levels. We have guest speakers coming in. There will be worship, fun, and food! Again, check out our notices section to get all the information. It is evident that God is on the move here in our patch of the Kingdom. The clutch to all of this is whether we are willing to participate or not. All we can offer is ourselves in participation in what God is doing through prayer, any skills we have been blessed with, and, of course, a brave and courageous heart to profess the hope we believe in. Much love and fondness to you all this week. If I don't see you at the cathedral on Saturday, I will see you on Sunday at All Saints. Much love, Guy Comments are closed.
Past News
December 2024
contact90 Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand
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