Kia ora All Saints,
We are back for 2023 and what a blessing it has been to be together over the summer. It was just glorious to see both services interacting and engaging in our Psalms series. Then to finish January with the Parish Picnic - was so amazing. Lots of energy, excitement, conversation and fun in the room. Next year hopefully we can have it outside! This week, with Waitangi weekend, wraps up our combined services and Summer in the Psalms series. Next week we are going to have a focus on Launching our House Churches for the year and then we are into house churches the week after that. It is all go here at All Saints! Of course the 9am congregation will continue to meet in the centre at 9am. As we head into the year, we have at the top of our mind making some progress on the Mission Action Plan. We are going to release a Video shortly for everyone, so that you can catch up with what was agreed at our AGM in November. It sets out the direction for the church for the next few years and you can see it hanging in the Gathering Space at the Church Centre. I am reminded of Psalm 95 as we begin this year (and as I preached about a couple of weeks ago). Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord... Come, let us bow down in worship... Today, if only you would hear his voice, “Do not harden your hearts May we all continue to be aware of God's voice and open to what he wants to do this year. God bless, Andrew on behalf of the Co-Vicars Comments are closed.
Past News
December 2024
contact90 Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand
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