Kia ora All Saints whānau,
What wild weather we've had this week! Snow and sunshine, both blessings in different ways. This week I've been really appreciative of our church family as Leon and I battle yet another bug from crèche (or as I now affectionately call it, the Plague House). When I have to step out of meetings and commitments, it does give me a wake-up call. Who am I when I'm not being useful or helpful? Where can I see God at work when I'm not at work? And does the world stop when I stop - am I that important? This can be humbling for me and reminds me that I am loved by God just as I am, and the fate of the world doesn't rely on me (thankfully). It is such a privilege to serve alongside you all in our faith community, and I am grateful for God being alongside us. In our cluster of local church leaders we have been learning about and discussing whether we are trying to imitate Christ or be united with Christ. Often we think just of imitation, which can be disheartening as we can never fully achieve it and it relies on our own steam. If we seek to be in unity with Christ then it is Christ doing the work, but we get to join in. Jesus saved the world, not us. Jesus changes lives, not us. Our part to play is important, of course, but if we seek unity with Jesus, His plans become ours and we join God's redemptive work in the world. These are my musings for this week. How are you growing in unity with Christ? Have you made time to rest/abide in Christ this week? Is your work rooted in Jesus or are you trying to fix the world with your own steam? Sometimes taking time out changes our perspective. Praying for you all, Emily Comments are closed.
Past News
December 2024
contact90 Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand
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