Greetings from the newly Ordained Deacon!
I can call my self that now, Last Saturday the 23rd was such an amazing experience, it was something like I have never experienced before . The preparation for the day was not much of external preparation but so much of internal preparation. The preparation I think started when we were called to be discerned for ordination. My journey since then has been about learning more about the life and Ministry of Jesus, what Jesus intended to achieve and how as children of God and followers of Jesus can try and fulfil that by walking in his ways. I walked into the Cathedral on Saturday very nervous very anxious about how the whole afternoon would unfold for me. God took my anxious heart and filled it with Joy, happiness, and Peace. I came out with the assurance that God put in my heart that – I was enough just I was. which is such an amazing feeling. This is reaffirmed by the prayers that Bishop Justin and Bishop Anna prayed over me. I felt like the Holy Spirt was so present and that it was filling me and getting me ready for what was Ahead. Bishop Justin’s Homily challenged us to take the risk and get out of our comport zones and trust God and Go all in ! I got to experience first hand servant leadership, where the Bishops and Clergy in their magnificent robes came and washed the feet of each person who was being ordained. This is what I call leading by example. I have a long list of thankyous – my heart was bursting with Joy to see so many people from All saints present at the Cathedral to support and be part of the ceremony. My Parents for coming all the way from India and enduring the long Journey. I am grateful to Guy and Summer for their unwavering support and Guidance all through last year. (It is not over!) who have answered all my doubts and questions and have given me the freedom to be experimental when I have new ideas about ways f doing things in the church. The Wardens and Chris and Marietta – thank you for your love and support. The Choir – Oh I wish I could sing to you about how thankful I am (you’ll would not want that though). Thank you for the wonderful Wiata you composed and sang for me, I am still in Awe of how readily and how willing everyone came together to learn and practise it. And a huge thank you to each person of all Saints who have accepted me with open arms, made me feel welcome and shared your space so freely with me that I feel like I belong here now. In the last week I have done 2 baptisms, which was an amazing experience. Of being part of the journey where we can openly profess our faith and dedicate lives to God. On Wednesday, we bid farewell to Ron, I learnt so much about what an amazing person he was. These are just a few thoughts about my week since the ordination ceremony and now I feel like I can live out the lyrics of this song ” Here I am Lord. Is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.” This past Sunday, we held our annual Light Party here at All Saints. We were fortunate to collaborate with our friends at the Hataitai Community Centre.
It was a fantastic afternoon filled with pure joy, happiness, sun, food, games, and lots and lots of candy!!! Our Parish turned up in force to reach out to our community. As always, with our light party, we do not hold services in the morning by way of connecting around reaching out rather than focusing on the IN. Seeing so many from our Parish turn up and work together to serve was amazing. There were games galore this year, with some new additions like the Disc Drop, Lollipop Toss, Fishing and Mini Golf, as well as some old favorites. There was Candy Floss, which was held by our dear friend Jenny Barnes, who had some help from Emily Orr this year, which made for the most beautiful image of young and old working together. We had about 350 people through the doors; watching our young families connect with people during the afternoon was such a delight! We were fortunate to have the local police come along and provide opportunities for the kids to sit in their cars and turn on the sirens. So many smiles! We also had our local MP arrive with her children for some fun in the sun. It felt like this beautiful connection between our Parish, the local community, and those serving our community! We should all be very, very proud of our efforts. I am reminded of the image of the Israelites who were exiled to Babylon that we spoke of in the past here at All Saints and the call from God to pray for their city, live in it, and help it to prosper because, as your city prospers so do you. So may we seek the good of our city! Pray for it! And when it prospers, so may we prosper! We are excited for next years antics! More games, more fun, more relationships. Parish Council met on October 16th for our monthly meeting.
There were two people away due to family and study. Each month, we start with a bible study, this month led by Corinna; we then spent time together on a series we are working through from the Leading Your Church into Growth material. This month, we discussed prayer, presence, and ways to proclaim and provide opportunities to interact and explore the Good News. Following this, we spent time checking in on our roles and actions as a governance team from last month, which centered around building committee and conversation actions. We spoke of the having had, recently, and the need for conversation with the Diocese and Heritage NZ about our building, we are hoping for a conversation with key stakeholders shortly. We made adjustments to the Electoral Role for several people who have now moved on from our parish; if you are not on our parish role and you would like to discuss this, please feel free to reach out to Guy via the vicar's email. Guy gave an update about the abide conference, and we spoke of our commitment to the governance and stewardship of the parish; there was a beautiful sense of trust and commitment to one another and the parish in the room. Our last meeting for the year will be November 20th Yours in Christ November 1 and 2, as part of Wellington’s Heritage Festival Discover histories of faith communities which have served Wellington since the 19th century. Learn about architecture, art, beliefs and rituals distinctive to each tradition. Friday November 1, 2 p.m., beginning at the Bel El Synagogue, Webb Street and finishing at 6 p.m. St Peter’s Church for an optional meal. Saturday, November 2, from St Joseph’s Catholic Church, hear the Basin Reserve, visiting Greek Orthodox, Quakers and Wesley Methodist. Saturday, November 2, from St Mary of the Angels Catholic Church at Boulcott Street and visiting Central Baptist, St John’s Presbyterian and Christian Science. Tour Organiser: Dr Richard Norman, a member of Historic Places Wellington and St Peter’s Anglican church, Willis Street, Wellington, formerly a teacher and researcher of human resource management and public sector management at Victoria University. Theologian and guide: Sir David Moxon, from Hamilton, former Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia and former director of the Anglican Centre in Rome. Cost: $40.00 to contribute towards churches visited and organising of the festival. Book at: Visit for more than 150 events throughout the Wellington urban area and Wairarapa. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. In September we as a parish are planning to camp. On the 20th till the 22nd of September, we as a wider All Saints Whānau will come together as one and have some amazing times filled with worship, games and great stories shared by many.
details to come closer to the time around where we will be and what activities we will have for you all but till then mark the dates in your diaries and we look forward to seeing you all on the 20th of September. On Sunday the 16 June we met again for our second Building Conversation.
This time Parish Council bought five scenarios for developing our site plus an option that might be available to add to any of the other options. We spent some time going around all of the stations assessing the options in terms of these four questions:... Read more. Dear family in Christ,
I write to you from General Synod Te Hīnota Whānui with the news that I have been offered, and accepted, the position of Senior Bishop Tikanga Pākehā within our Province of Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia.... Read more This May, I'm taking on a 50 km MyMarathon challenge to support the Heart Foundation. To achieve my goal, I will be swimming around 1.7km in the sea every day of the month. (In a wetsuit, so I survive)
Each year our Parish joins in with this global call to prayer over the 10 days before Pentecost. With Anglican Christians all around the Diocese and the world, we pray for God’s will to be done, specifically praying for 5 people each to come to know the love of God in Jesus.
head over to our webpage to learn more about how you can get involved. Read more |
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contact90 Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand
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