Kia ora All Saints whānau I hope you have had the chance to listen to Andy's message from Sunday, where he works through the Gospel and Idolatry. You can click here if you want to have a listen/watch. What stood out to me was his comment about Jesus being out overmastering positive passion; this is a powerful thing to think about; willpower cannot remove every idol or item that controls our lives alone. We need to acknowledge and see Jesus as our overmastering positive passion, in which case we no longer put the things that cause us nightmares - if they were ever to be taken away - first. As we walk together as a community in light of the Gospel (Good News), let us not exchange the truth for lies; let us remain with Jesus as our overmastering positive passion as we live our lives in this City. This week we have Claire speaking to us about Community; she will use the scripture reference from Philippians 2:1-11. This Sunday, we are all in the room for two Central Gatherings. Head along and celebrate with the wider church family this Sunday. I would love to draw your attention to some upcoming things. First - Go Sunday is coming up on July 30th; this time, we will all head to Mt Victoria to plant trees alongside community groups as part of the Mt Vic Regeneration effort. This ticks a bunch of boxes all at the same time for us as a community, an opportunity to invite our friends to something, putting into action the Dioceses' call to care for creation by planting trees, and of course, continues to build relationship with those who are being missional regularly on Mt Vic with community groups. We have set up a webpage for all the things you need to know about Go Sunday coming up. Where, when, what to bring, how to sign up, and what to expect on the day. Second - July 14th, our annual Matariki Spring clean is happening here at All Saints. 3-5 pm followed by a shared dinner (likely fish and chips) and BYO beverages. This is an excellent opportunity to spend time with others as we look to spruce up the grounds and buildings. Thirdly - We are in the middle of our Gospel in Life series. If you want to revisit any of the messages or catch up, please jump over to our YouTube page to access them all.
Continue to pray for your five as we go this week! God is moving in mighty ways amongst us here at All Saints. Spot where the spirit is moving and pray for boldness and courage to go where it is going. Ngā mihi Guy Comments are closed.
Past News
December 2024
contact90 Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand
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